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The superintendent and the school board rammed down the tax payer's throats a 20% tax increase.  Perhaps to celebrate their success, they took a good chunk of the tax increase and spent it in a luxury resort in Cooperstown. Superintendent Bailey, and board members Denise Price and Carol Maltese run up the bill to $ 1218.53.

     The   room tabs for the stays in the resort are public information. I wanted to copy them when  I came across them as member of the school board's finance committee. Marty Stangle and Fred Vanderburgh who are the other members prevented the copying of the tabs. Ask them why they wanted to keep the public in the dark about how their tax money is spent!  To get copies I had to go the legal route by filing  freedom of information request.

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Donna Mistler was voted off the school board in May. Why does her name show up on the superintendent's check for a resort room in July? One would have thought that her reservation would have been canceled so it would not have showed up as a credit.

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Carol Maltese resigned from the board soon after she came home from the tax payer paid stay at the resort.

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An earlier version of this page made an inaccurate claim, that Ms. Price did not pay school taxes. That claim was wrong, and I apologize to Ms. Price for my error. .